My name is Luis Arango. I have some background in psychology, philosophy and marketing. The purpose of this blog is to share my take on different marketing issues and concepts.
I decided to start a blog for several reasons.
To start with, writing a blog is the perfect way to engage with your own ideas about a topic. In contrast to other forms of writing, blogging is an almost completely free exercise. When you blog, your only constraint is making your words as clear as possible for the reader. Other than that, you are not required to employ a particular type of language or follow a predefined structure (as you are when writing an academic paper, for example).
Secondly, hopefully, someone can find these ideas useful in one way or another.
Finally, I am convinced blogging will only become stronger in the future as a source of knowledge and insights. In a fast-paced environment, there is a felt need to discuss ideas in real-time. Blogging allows people to do this in a convenient way.
Hope you enjoy the posts!